Potentiel International

The invisible killer, which is knocking the doors of Cameroon

According to the Ngo “Médecins Sans Frontier” the Ebola virus has become uncontrollable in West Africa. As recently seen with the two diagnosed cases in Nigeria; consequently adequate and drastic majors has to be already put in place to stop the spread of this disease in our country.

Warning to lovers of meat gotten from animals of the forest commonly called “bush meat” abstains from eating it. According to Doctors, these so-called ‘bush meat’ is the potential vector of the Ebola virus. It has already been banned in affected countries of West Africa such as Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast and even Nigeria. Nevertheless this measure has not discouraged some consumers from such meat as monkeys, chimpanzees, bats, rabbits and many others. For decades now these “bush meat” has been appreciated and eaten in Central and West African countries, but today following health authorities it has become the worst nightmare. And for this cause; according to scientists some of the animals and the bats which is at the first rang of the Ebola virus reservoir, and they are the one transmitting it to man. Nevertheless the amateur of bats don’t agree on this view, thus raising the question: how can they be immediately asked to put an end to their feeding habits? How can they be asking us to abandon their food? Their meat ‘bats’? Whereas, following the specialists ‘view this virus is spread within the human population by direct contact of the physiological liquids like saliva, blood, sperm, sweat explained by Eric Leroy specialist of infectious diseases at the Research Institute of Development and General Director of the International Medical Research Center in France ville in Gabon. Between man and animal the means of transmitting are the same. But when it to the hunted animal, it mostly the hunter who is in great danger since there is a direct contact with the organs and the blood. As earlier mention the commercialization and consumption of “bush meat” has been restricted. But the problem is at the level of the application of these measures especially in rural areas or markets where those specialiased in this trade are in and have recent supplies. However Ebola the recent killer invited herself in the USA at the African /United State summit. There by leading to the promise of an envelope with a huge sum of money to various countries faced with this epidemic so as to enhance the fight against this disease.

Marceline Tiapeh

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