Potentiel International

La Redaction

President Obama understood that dealing without Africa is a great risk

From the 4th to 6th August the American President welcomes the ever first summit of the United States and African Head of States and government. For the Africans who were ignorant that Obama was elected by the Americans who was there for them but failed the Africans. For during his first mandate Obama just visited …

President Obama understood that dealing without Africa is a great risk Lire la suite »

Les institutions supérieures de contrôle en conclave à Yaoundé

Les travaux de la 4ème assemblée générale extraordinaire du conseil régional de formation des institutions supérieures de contrôle des finances publiques d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne (Crefiaf) se sont tenus à Yaoundé les 7 et 8 août 2014. Le Crefiaf a été créé en 1997 à Yaoundé au Cameroun. Il regroupe 23 institutions supérieures de contrôle dont …

Les institutions supérieures de contrôle en conclave à Yaoundé Lire la suite »

The invisible killer, which is knocking the doors of Cameroon

According to the Ngo “Médecins Sans Frontier” the Ebola virus has become uncontrollable in West Africa. As recently seen with the two diagnosed cases in Nigeria; consequently adequate and drastic majors has to be already put in place to stop the spread of this disease in our country. Warning to lovers of meat gotten from …

The invisible killer, which is knocking the doors of Cameroon Lire la suite »